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Register for Open Water Certification
Click Here for Medical Questionnaire
Select an option
I have no medical conditions on the list. I understand I need to print the document and bring it to class.
I answer yes to one or more medical conditions on the list. I understand I will need a doctor to sign off on the physican form included in the document set prior to the day of class, and I will bring the completed questionnaire and physician's form with me to the class. I understand that I will not be permitted to participate in class without the physician's sign off.
Do you know how to swim?
Enter MM/DD/YY Class Date
I have read and accept all terms and conditions including the cancel/reschedule policy. I know I will be charged $25 to reschedule after I have enrolled in a class date if I reschedule in writing (email to more than 72 hours prior to my class date. I understand the reschedule fee is $75 in the event I cancel or reschedule less than 72 hours prior to the start of the class I am enrolled in. This is to compensate SSE for instructor, facility, and other expenses they incur if I cancel inside of 72 hours. E-learning can not be refunded once registered to a user.
Submit Registration & Continue to Payment
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